10 Effective Books Like Think And Grow Rich

Personal Finance Books

Think And Grow Rich is a famous successful book by Napoleon Hill. This book reveals many secret aspects of business and financial situations and mistakes that anybody can understand easily. Some laws, calculations, strategies, and advice help you become successful and wealthy.

By reading this book, many bankrupt and middle-class people earn million or billion. Many interviewees share their success if you search on Youtube or Google for the success story about thinking and growing rich readers.

Books Like Think and Grow Rich present a philosophy for achieving success and wealth. They also emphasize the importance of developing a positive mental attitude, using the power of auto-suggestion and visualization, and maintaining a mastermind alliance with others who share one’s goals.

The books are also helpful for entrepreneurs, business owners, and anyone interested in building wealth and financial independence. Each book provides practical advice on developing a winning mindset, taking calculated risks, and persisting in facing obstacles. Try these books to achieve your goals and unlock your full potential.

10 Books Like Think And Grow Rich (Business & Finance Books)

A salary does not mean lots of excess money to make a difference. So how do you create a new source of income? You need to find a way to earn, cultivate, or gather resources beyond your need. That takes a selfless person who wants to create far more value globally.

Many people get attached to one way of making money or another way of making money. But the reality is, every single time you set up a business, whether creating a million dollars or one hundred dollars a month, guess what it is? It’s a stream of income. A new home produces an extra two hundred and fifty dollars a month cash flow. That’s freedom.

It’s to roll it into your next creations and business investments. This is what Warren Buffett and Napoleon Hill did. Napoleon Hill described his success in his book, Think And Grow Rich. Now I will discuss books similar to Think And Grow Rich to become rich and Successful. Let’s start with Think and Grow Rich recommended books!

1. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth

I started reading through the book, and it’s turning your mind around first. Like Think And Grow Rich, It turns your mind around that asks, what do you want to make? Is it a million? Whatever it is, you must convince your mind first, and then actions will occur.

So most people say, I’ll take action. You see it all the time. Our sports players and figures come out of college to grow up in the wrong area, and their contract is 10, 15, 20 million dollars. Over two years, they’re broke or say they don’t make it and blow all that money because their mindset isn’t at that level.

Mike Tyson lost 500 million dollars. How do you lose 100 million dollars? Your mindset isn’t at that place yet. One area the author discusses is called Don’t Have in your Mindset. You have to turn it around in two ways. One in your thoughts convinces your mind, which is your subconscious, and then that goes into your conscious, turning into results.

Whenever money is brought up, people say, ” Oh, you don’t want to talk about it. This book brings up the avoiders, people who avoid talking about it, and the spiritual ones above money. There’s the spender, and then there is the saver and most other people. So you have to go through the book and pick up concepts.

You have to understand two principles. One is changing your mindset first, and that money is necessary not to look down on wealthy people, not to think that they’re bad or anything else. They bring up a wealth concept about net worth instead of your salary. The biggest thing is understanding what your net worth is. For me, that’s interesting because I never even thought about that at all.

So throughout the book, the author discusses the money blueprint, which I discussed before. What do you set up for? What’s the most amount of money that you make?

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind Key Points:

  • Develop a mindset of abundance and believe in your ability to achieve financial success.
  • Identify and challenge limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering ones.
  • Focus on opportunities and take calculated risks to grow wealth.
  • Develop good habits and systems for managing money and investing wisely.
  • Give back to others and contribute to causes that align with your values.

Author: T. Harv Eker
Average Rating: 4.7/5
Category: Entrepreneurship, Personal Finance
Available: Audiobook | Paperback | Hardcover | Kindle

2. The One Minute Millionaire: The Enlightened Way to Wealth

I would recommend it to people who want to change their mindset regarding money and grow to see the possibilities. You can grow to make more money and don’t have to settle for where you’re now. The story is incredible. It’s a fiction story that takes this lady, Michelle. Michelle is put into this horrible situation, and her husband dies. She’s got two little kids, and her mother and father-in-law are real jerks, and they somehow get custody of her kids. She’s got 180 to make a million bucks because she made this deal with her father-in-law to have the kids back if she makes a million bucks in 180 days.

Michelle is a waitress at a hotel, and she meets a mentor who’s giving a speech at this event. This mentor takes her under his wing and teaches her how to make money. She gathers five people who create a mastermind dedicated to making millions in 180 days. So they do it in many different ways. They take all the diverse skill sets and do other things. These are all drawn from things Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen teach.

On the other side of the book, they teach this differently. The page of the book is funny. One side of the book is practical teaching stuff. The other side of the book is the story. So you only read the right-hand side of the page when you’re reading the story. That’s what I read all the way through.

The way the title is that it only takes one minute to make a million dollars to get a million-dollar idea is what he’s saying. To get a million-dollar view, it only takes one minute. It’s changing your mindset to realize that. That’s an excellent idea to sink your teeth into and walk around with is that anybody can have a millionaire idea.

So you open your mind to the possibilities and cultivate a potential to learn many things they’re talking about in this book. Once you know about some of that stuff, you can have million dollars ideas, million-dollar ideas a lot more readily. The financial advice and business tips are similar to Think And Grow Rich.

The One Minute Millionaire Key Points:

  • Combine the power of positive thinking with practical strategies to achieve wealth and financial freedom.
  • Develop a clear vision for your life and set specific financial goals.
  • Build a team of experts and allies to help you achieve your goals and overcome obstacles.
  • Use leverage and other wealth-building strategies to create multiple streams of income.
  • Give back to others and make a positive impact in the world.

Author: Robert G. Allen
Average Rating: 4.6/5
Category: Investing & Trading, Personal Finance
Available: Audiobook | Paperback | Hardcover | Kindle

3. The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America’s Rich

Like Think And Grow Rich, this book calculates money with life. We tend to think of people who drive fancy cars or live in fancy houses. But, if you spend sixty thousand dollars on a car, that’s dollars you don’t have in your pocket. So wealth accumulation is all about keeping the money. They start talking about your expected wealth, and they have this equation. It’s your age multiplied by annual pre-tax income. Take that whole number and then divide it by 10.

For instance, if you’re 50 and make fifty thousand a year, that’s 2.5 million. If you multiply it together, divide it by 10. That’s two hundred and fifty thousand. So you’re expected wealth based on your age, and income is two hundred and fifty thousand.

Many people they call prodigious accumulators of wealth, and that is anyone who has two times or more of their expected wealth. So that in this scenario, somebody more in wealth and then under accumulators of wealth would have one hundred and twenty-five thousand or less. So some people have half of their expected wealth based on age and income, and they talked about how the typical millionaire is frugal.

They’re not spending their money on big houses and big cars. But for the most part, they’re focused on building wealth to have financial independence and not worry about money. If you have money, you make different decisions and do not like spending the money. But for instance, if you have money in the bank, you might take a job on commission, and it might take you a few months to make a paycheck. You wouldn’t make those decisions if you relied on that paycheck from week to week.

The authors talk about how millionaires use their time, energy, and money efficiently. So they gave a situation of an under-accumulator of wealth who spent so much time researching the luxury car he would buy. Whereas the millionaires who are these prodigious accumulators are well, they spend their time exploring how to make money, not how to spend it.

Whereas millionaires don’t spend much more time researching their investment options, or things they can do to build their businesses, They spend a lot more time making better money or becoming better investors. They also spend a lot of time hiring when they’re hiring a professional service like an accountant, a lawyer, a financial planner, or anything like that.

So when you think of when you apply for a job, you send in a cover letter on a resume, and they might do a background check. They’ll have an interview, all of that stuff. But when it comes to hiring accountants, we often look online.

There are a lot of long stories, like case studies, that are very precious to your business. The chapters seem to be related to things that millionaires do. You can do something to become more wealthy, whether a millionaire level or not, but something to do to become more financially secure. They talk about frugality, allocating their time and energy to building wealth. Then financial independence is more important than social status. So having wealth accumulates and financial security is more important than luxury items.

The Millionaire Next Door Key Points:

  • Most millionaires are self-made and have accumulated wealth through hard work, discipline, and smart financial management.
  • Millionaires tend to live frugally and avoid conspicuous consumption.
  • They focus on building wealth over time through investments and business ownership.
  • Millionaires tend to be highly educated and strategic in their financial decisions.
  • They prioritize financial independence and are less concerned with social status and material possessions.

Author: Thomas J. Stanley
Average Rating: 4.6/5
Category: Leadership & Motivation, Personal Finance
Available: Audiobook | Paperback | Hardcover | Mass Market Paperback

4. The Automatic Millionaire: A Powerful One-Step Plan to Live and Finish Rich

I read The Automatic Millionaire, which has many good concepts. If you are a beginner at personal finance and have nothing in savings, this book is for you. The more you pay interest, the less you can save for yourself. You can pay yourself first by saving, and then that grew in compounds and got it into the future and pay down your house as quickly as possible. If you have an unexpected job loss or some health issue, you have money to cover your household expenses and won’t go into ruin.

The author talks about donor-advised mutual funds or charity funds, and it’s like you’ll invest money earmarked for a charity. You have to earmark it for a specific charity. But basically, the idea is you can put in $100 now you receive the tax deduction on that $100, and then it grows and says in 10 years it’s worth $500. Then you can give that stock or mutual fund to a charity, and you don’t pay tax on it because it’s a donation. So that is interesting. I never heard of that before.

We could keep our lifestyle the same and have our savings go up and up. If you are new to personal finance and need someone to help, you walk through the world, pick this book. This is an excellent start because there is no criticism in the book.

It talks about whatever you’re doing right now. The more you can do, the better off you will be. In contrast, the typical number floating around is that you should save 10 to 15 percent of your income. The more you put in, the better off you’ll be. One percent is better than zero percent. That’s the whole mindset similar to Think And Grow Rich.

The Automatic Millionaire Key Points:

  • Automate your finances to save money, invest regularly, and pay off debt.
  • Create a “latte factor” by cutting back on small, unnecessary expenses and redirecting the savings towards wealth-building.
  • Maximize your retirement savings and take advantage of tax-advantaged accounts.
  • Use the power of compound interest and dollar-cost averaging to grow wealth over time.
  • Prioritize financial education and take action toward achieving financial freedom.

Author: David Bach
Average Rating: 4.6/5
Category: Credit Ratings & Repair, Money Management & Budgeting
Available: Audiobook | Paperback | Hardcover | Audio CD

5. The Science of Getting Rich

This book is an older book that was published in 1910. This book was written at an earlier time. This book differs greatly from the language you would expect to hear somebody explaining the law of attraction today. There’s not even a mention of the phrase law of attraction. This book is about the law of attraction because it helps you think about the concept differently. The plus side of this book is that it is pretty short. It’s a rapid read, and it’s also a rapid audio program.

As Think And Grow Rich, this book speaks about the process of manifestation very clearly. It’s easy to understand and very direct. No society could advance if every man were smaller than his place. Social evolution is guided by physical and mental evolution laws in the animal world. So what’s the science behind it? What’s the evidence throughout the whole book? It’s about doing what you’re supposed to do day after day, creating opportunities, and tracking into your life.

The last thing that the author says is value. He gives every man more use value than you take from him in cash value. Then you are adding to the world’s life with every business transaction. So if you think about it, if you don’t have value, if you don’t have a skill set, you can’t get compensated for it. Your use value should always be greater than the cash value you’re asking for.

So thinking in a certain way, doing efficient actions, and having a lot of value as a human being, you can give away and then attract wealth in return.

The Science of Getting Rich Key Points:

  • The key to wealth and success is to develop a positive mindset and belief in one’s ability to achieve one’s desires.
  • Focus on creating value and delivering service to others to acquire wealth.
  • Cultivate gratitude and thankfulness for what you have, and maintain a clear mental image of your desires.
  • Take action toward your goals with persistence and effort, and do not be deterred by setbacks or obstacles.
  • Practice visualization and affirmations to reinforce positive beliefs and attract success into your life.

Author: Wallace D. Wattles
Average Rating: 4.5/5
Category: Career Success, Personal Finance
Available: Audiobook | Paperback | Hardcover | Kindle | Mass Market Paperback

6. The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

This life-changing book has been a bestseller since its publication in 1952, and it has helped millions of people achieve success and happiness. Peale’s philosophy is based on the idea that changing one’s thoughts and attitudes can change one’s life. He provides practical techniques and exercises to help readers develop a positive mindset and overcome negative thinking patterns.

The Power of Positive Thinking Key Points:

  • Develop a positive attitude and believe in your ability to succeed.
  • Visualize your goals and focus on your strengths.
  • Use positive self-talk and affirmations to reinforce positive beliefs.
  • Take action towards your goals and persist in the face of obstacles.
  • Use prayer and faith to connect with a higher power and achieve your desires.

7. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

This habit-forming book is one of the most influential self-help books ever written, and it has sold over 25 million copies worldwide. Covey’s approach is based on the idea that success is not about achieving one’s goals but also about developing one’s character and living a fulfilling life. The seven habits he outlines include being proactive, beginning with the end in mind, and seeking win-win solutions.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Key Points:

  • Develop a proactive mindset, take responsibility for your life, and focus on what you can control.
  • Begin with the end in mind, set clear goals and a vision for your life, and work towards it.
  • Put first things first, prioritize your time, and focus on what is essential, not only urgent.
  • Think win-win, and seek mutual benefits in relationships and collaborations.
  • Seek first to understand, be understood, listen actively, and empathize with others.
  • Synergize, work collaboratively and leverage the strengths of others to achieve common goals.
  • Sharpen the saw, and invest in your personal growth, physical and emotional health, and spiritual well-being.

8. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

This best-seller self-help book was first published in 1936 and has since become a classic in the self-help field. Carnegie showed that people are more likely to be influenced by those they like and respect. He provides practical advice on how to build relationships and win people over, including listening actively, showing appreciation, and making others feel important.

How to Win Friends and Influence People Key Points:

  • Show genuine interest in others, listen actively, and remember people’s names.
  • Give sincere appreciation, praise, and recognition to others for their efforts and achievements.
  • Avoid criticism and condemnation, and instead, provide constructive feedback.
  • Focus on finding common ground and seeking mutual benefits in relationships and negotiations.
  • Be empathetic, understand others’ perspectives, and communicate clearly and persuasively.

9. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

This book caused a sensation when it was first published in 2006, and it has since sold over 30 million copies worldwide. Byrne’s approach is based on the law of attraction, which states that people can attract what they want into their lives by focusing their thoughts and emotions on it. She provides practical tips and techniques for using the law of attraction in life, including visualization, affirmations, and gratitude.

The Secret Key Points:

  • The law of attraction states that individuals can attract what they want by focusing their thoughts and emotions on it.
  • Visualization and positive affirmations are powerful tools for manifesting desires and achieving goals.
  • Gratitude and appreciation for what one already has can attract more abundance and happiness into one’s life.
  • Take inspired action towards one’s goals and trust the universe to provide opportunities and resources.
  • Surround oneself with positive people and energy, and let go of negative thoughts and emotions.

10. The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason

This book was first published in 1926 and has since become a classic in personal finance. Clason’s approach is based on the idea that the key to wealth is not only earning money but also managing it wisely. He provides practical advice on how to save money, invest wisely, and build wealth over time.

The Richest Man in Babylon Key Points:

  • Pay yourself first by saving at least 10% of your income.
  • Invest your savings wisely in opportunities that offer high returns and low risk.
  • Control your expenses by living below your means and avoiding debt.
  • Seek advice from knowledgeable and trustworthy experts in finance.
  • Work hard and persistently towards your goals, and enjoy the rewards of your labor.

These books all share a common theme of personal growth and self-improvement. Some books are better than Think and Grow Rich. Each one provides practical advice and techniques for achieving success, and they all emphasize the importance of developing a positive mindset and taking action toward one’s goals.

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Pauline Jackson

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