10 Religious History Books About Moses

Religion & History

According to the Bible, the story of Moses begins in a bed of reeds on the banks of the Nile. Moses was born into a Hebrew family and is thus a member of Egypt’s underclass. As such, his birth is objectionable in the eyes of the empire. So Moses’s parents desert him and let fate run its course. His fate continues to have an impact on humanity to this day. Set adrift in a small basket made of bulrushes, the Pharaoh’s daughter finds him on the banks of the Nile.

As the Bible tells us, she saw the basket among the reeds and sent her maids to fetch it. The Pharaoh’s daughter decides to raise the baby, naming him Moses. Also, the legend goes. The Bible never explicitly mentions the name of the Pharaoh’s daughter to this day.

There is much speculation about who she was. Scholars often doubted the validity of Moses’s story since there was no hard evidence to substantiate and know Pharaoh’s daughter ever having taken it. Nevertheless, the books of Moses are a cornerstone of the Bible. Books About Moses provide different perspectives and interpretations of Moses’ life, allowing readers to gain a deeper understanding of his historical and religious significance.

10 Books About Moses (Religion Reference & History)

The Bible tells us how, decades later, Moses freed his people from the Pharaoh’s servitude and entered a covenant with God. This chapter of his life takes place in a treacherous mountain desert. It’s here that Moses’s witness changes the course of his life.

In the Bible, God reveals himself to his servant, Moses. It makes him the first person allowed to experience God up close while God speaks to Moses. I will discuss ten books on Moses. Let’s go!

1. The Five Books of Moses

The Five Books of Moses form the foundation of Jewish law, theology, and history. You are sometimes better off doing some things by yourself, between you and God. Studying the Bible is something you should do with other people because everyone has different insights. The Holy Spirit will talk to different people in different ways throughout time.

In this book, you will learn about the world’s beginning, the creation of humanity, animals, the sea, and oceans. Also, it teaches how to become one in marriage and together in unity. How do they feel, and the sin has been put upon the world?

You will also learn how everything is under a curse now, but God promised them that the seed would come from a woman and crush the enemy. That Jesus would come and a messiah will come and rescue the world and redeem the world from sin, darkness, and a curse. God sent a flood to destroy everything, starting with Noah and his family. You have Isaac, God’s promised son to Abraham and Sarah, in their old age. There is an excellent chapter of Genesis.

The rest of the Book of Genesis covers Joseph and his life. How are you sold into slavery by his brothers? How he’s lifted, and we saw that he’s raised so that he will turn around and lift other people behind him. You read about God and how Moses followed the rules and created a new beginning when you study those.

Author: Everett Fox
Average Rating: 4.8/5
Category: Old Testament Commentaries, Women & Judaism
Available: Paperback | Hardcover

2. The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses

The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses are not part of the traditional biblical canon nor recognized as authoritative or inspired scripture by mainstream Judaism or Christianity. The story is that some books Moses wrote weren’t included in the official Torah.

These books outline the magic Moses supposedly learned in Egypt and then performed miracles to get the Hebrew people out of Egypt. So that’s the story of this. The introduction by Joseph Peterson and talking about history are fascinating. Here, you can see how he talks about the different versions of the same talismans.

So this is the sixth book of Moses, and it’s essentially talismanic magic. Also, it makes a lot of use of biblical references. Some modern magic created today uses this original stuff as extremely powerful. It is a breastplate of Moses used very widely in modern magic.

There are many theories and practices in the middle of the book and how to use all of these and invocations. Also, it has some cryptography. So whatever angel or demon or spirit you’re looking for, you can look up its name here and find the pages on which they appear—all the pages on which parchment is used. Then you have a general index. You’ve come across a word and don’t know what it refers to. You can look it up and go to the page where it’s talked about.

Author: Joseph Peterson
Average Rating: 4.7/5
Category: Other Religions, Practices & Sacred Texts, New Age & Spirituality
Available: Hardcover

3. The Lost Book of Moses: The Hunt for the World’s Oldest Bible

The Lost Book of Moses is filled with gaps that need filling in. The author sets forth the following story of Moses in a manner that will humanize the man who lived so long ago and make him one of our contemporaries. Moses was born in Egypt, the son of the slave Amarin and his wife, Chuck Bed. When Hebrews were held in bondage by the Egyptians, the newborn might escape the Pharaoh’s decree of death for all male children born of Hebrews.

Throughout his youth, he kept trying and visiting the temples, learning more and more of the priestly codes and mysteries. He was a prince of Egypt, and Moses was educated in other ways, too. He knew how to ride and manage swing war chariots behind charging horses. He learned to wield the sword and mastered the strategy of war. But there was always a thirst in his soul for the knowledge of more profound things.

Then one day, he heard a strange tale from an old, stable hand. It was the legend of a book that Thor himself was said to have written in his hand, which, when read, would bring all knowledge and power to the finder.

The book was at kibbles buried in the middle of the river and guarded by a deathless snake. It was that Moses was determined to seek it out. By this time, the priest could no longer put off Moses because he had grown into a great soldier and a mighty prince, and they recognized that his mere presence in the temples gave them prestige. That is how Moses learned all the priestly tricks he saw in them, the meanings he saw in them, and the means of tainting men’s minds with fear of the unknown.

Author: Chanan Tigay
Average Rating: 4.2/5
Category: Expeditions & Discoveries World History, Ancient Civilizations
Available: Audiobook | Paperback | Hardcover | Kindle | Audio CD

4. The Life of Moses

The Life of Moses represents philosophical and mystical depth, presenting Moses as a spiritual guide and exemplar for individuals seeking union with God. Gregory of Nyssa was a fourth-century Byzantine bishop credited as the father of Eastern mysticism. However, he exhibits an Eastern viewpoint that we might not hear much today. As stated here, many Eastern theologians believe that theology could never venture far from personal experience because no words can adequately discuss God.

Though Gregory clarifies that his view of faith is greater than reasoning, even that God provides the foundation for the capacity to reason. That reason cannot achieve transcendental experience, which Eastern mysticism places supreme emphasis upon. He displays a stunning display of logic that reveals Christ’s victory’s majesty. Faith is higher than reason but is used in harmony to teach and guide.

The teaching is clear for if the father of sin is called a serpent by holy scripture, and what is born of the serpent is certainly a serpent. It follows that sin is synonymous with the one who got it, but the Apostolic Word testifies that the Lord was made into sin for our sake by being invested with our sinful nature. The logical conclusion should be evident to all by becoming sin.

Throughout the book, Gregory finds much deeper meaning in the scriptural text than a surface reading, linking the different episodes in Miracles with the New Testament and the incarnation of Christ. The way Gregory writes of the scripturally accurate historical account of the life and times of Moses makes one feel that he was there. It is not a dry retelling or monotonous reading but rather a story that is masterfully woven in such a way that transports the reader back in time. If you want to know from the beginning, it is the best book about Moses.

Author: Gregory of Nyssa
Average Rating: 4.7/5
Category: Mysticism Christian Theology, Old Testament Bible Study
Available: Paperback | Hardcover

5. The Moses Scroll

Jesus has an original autograph of Moses from the Book of Deuteronomy discovered. The Scroll in the eighteen sixties, and a guy came out with it. Some people have begun to reexamine it. This particular scroll is called the Moses Scroll, and a growing team of scholars seems to think it is true. You can look at it all over the internet.

People can be wrong, or sometimes they have agendas for discrediting. Steve Green and Hobby Lobby paid enormous amounts for the Dead Sea Scrolls. It made a lot of news them saying that those Dead Sea Scrolls were forgeries.

So this book is one of the most interesting if you’re into the Bible and biblical textual criticism. It is one of the most exciting controversies currently going on. Does Atticus Real sign the Codex, or is it a forgery? I highly recommend this book to get a perspective on this fascinating study.

Author: Ross Nichols
Average Rating: (4.7 /5)
Category: Religious Antiquities & Archaeology, Expeditions & Discoveries World History
Available: Paperback | Hardcover | Kindle

6. Moses: A Life by Jonathan Kirsch

This biography focuses on Moses’s life, his upbringing in Pharaoh’s court, his role as a prophet, and his significance in the development of monotheism. The book examines historical and biblical sources to present a comprehensive portrait of Moses.

7. The Law of Moses by Amy Harmon

This novel offers a fictionalized story centered around a young man named Moses, who has a unique ability to heal people. It explores faith, redemption, and one person’s impact on a community.

8. Moses: In the Footsteps of the Reluctant Prophet by Adam Hamilton

This book combines biblical narrative with historical and archaeological research to vividly portray Moses’ life. It explores the Exodus story, the journey through the wilderness, and Moses’ encounters with God, providing historical and cultural context.

9. Moses and Monotheism by Sigmund Freud

This book shows a psychological interpretation of Moses’ life and the development of monotheism. Freud explores Moses’ identity, his relationship with his people, and the impact of his teachings on society.

10. Moses: A Man of Selfless Dedication by Charles Swindoll

This book offers a Christian perspective on Moses’ life, highlighting his faith, perseverance, and leadership qualities. It explores Moses’ encounters with God, his struggles and victories, and the lessons that can be learned from his example.

What books of Bible are about Moses?

Many books of the Bible contain significant accounts and references to Moses. The books of Moses, also known as the Pentateuch or the Torah, are traditionally attributed to Moses and are the first five books of the Bible. Here are the main ones in order:

Exodus: The book of Exodus provides the most detailed story of Moses’ life, starting with his birth, upbringing in Egypt, the burning bush encounter with God, the ten plagues of Egypt, the liberation of the Israelites from slavery, the crossing of the Red Sea, and the receiving of the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai.

Leviticus: Leviticus focuses primarily on laws and regulations. It includes references to Moses and his role as the mediator between God and the Israelites. Moses receives instructions from God regarding various rituals, sacrifices, and the establishment of the priesthood.

Numbers: Numbers continues the narrative of the Israelites’ journey in the wilderness, led by Moses. It recounts several incidents, such as the rebellion of Korah, the sending of the twelve spies into Canaan, and the punishment of Moses for striking the rock. The book concludes with the preparations for entering the Promised Land.

Deuteronomy: Deuteronomy is Moses’ farewell address to the Israelites, delivered shortly before his death. It consists of a series of speeches in which Moses reviews the laws, recounts the Israelites’ history, and emphasizes the importance of obeying God’s commandments. Deuteronomy also contains a song of Moses and the account of his death.

In addition to these books, Moses is mentioned in other parts of the Bible, including the Psalms and the Prophets, where his role as a leader and prophet is acknowledged.

What does the book of Moses teach?

The book of Moses, which refers to the first five books of the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy), contains a wealth of teachings and lessons. Here are some critical teachings found within these books:

Creation and the nature of God: The book of Moses begins with the account of the world’s creation, highlighting God as the Creator of all things. It teaches about the goodness of God’s creation and the purpose of humanity.

God’s covenant with His people: Throughout the books of Moses, a central theme is the covenant God establishes with the Israelites. It emphasizes the relationship between God and His chosen people, their obligations to follow His laws, and the promise of blessings and consequences for obedience or disobedience.

Morality and ethical conduct: The books of Moses provide numerous commandments and laws that guide the moral and ethical behavior of individuals and the community. They cover justice, honesty, integrity, respect for others, and social responsibility.

Worship and religious practices: The books of Moses contain detailed instructions for worship, including the construction of the Tabernacle (a portable sanctuary) and the establishment of the priesthood. They outline the rituals, sacrifices, and festivals to be observed, emphasizing the importance of reverence and devotion to God.

The books of Moses offer a wide range of spiritual, theological, and practical insights that have shaped religious traditions for millennia.

Last Words

Reading about Moses can offer valuable lessons in leadership, perseverance, courage, and personal growth. His experiences can inspire and motivate individuals facing their trials and seeking guidance in their own lives.

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